Thursday, October 28, 2010

Flexibility of the English Language and Texting

As previously reported on the difficulty that non-English speakers have in mastering the English language, I’d like to add the irrational spelling that we see in some “homonyms” like flew and flue, wine and whine, steal and steel, bare and bear etc. On the other hand, English is the most flexible language in the world. The word “run, for instance, takes up 15 pages of the Oxford English Dictionary.
We live in a world that creates 175,000 new blogs every day and where texting has become a playful and universal language. Recently, I received a text message on my cell phone that I was unable to decipher. So I decided to Google it. Here are some of the most popular ones that I made note of: b4, fyi, asap, thx, xoxo, cy, BF, GF, omg, gl, jff. These types of messages are certainly short and concise. Knowing how much the young generation loves and uses these new abbreviations, and that 1.6 billion text messages a day are being sent in China alone, there is no doubt in my mind  that text messaging will be the new communication medium of the 21st century.

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